• SilverFast - Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986

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Informações de produto

Nikon LS 5000ED / Super Coolscan 5000 ED
Idioma: Portugués
Sistema operacional: Windows 11 (64bit)

checkiSRD® is supported
checkHDRi is supported
checkMulti-Exposure é suportado
checkMulti-Sampling is supported
checkFocus Control is supported
checkFilmes Kodachrome são suportados (incluído com SilverFast SE Plus / versões SilverFast Ai)
checkADF Scan is supported
checkThe Nikon IA-20 and IA-20(S) adapters for APS film cartridges are supported by SilverFast 8.
checkSA-21 is supported. Older SA-20 is not intended by Nikon for this device, thus is not supported. LS 40 (CoolScan IV) and (Super CoolScan) LS 4000 need latest firmware.
checkThe filmstrip adapter SA-30 is supported with this device.
checkSlide feeder SF-200 supported
checkSlide feeder SF-210 supported
forbiddenICE function not supported
forbiddenCalibração de impressora não é suportada