The Clone-Tool

A powerful 16-bit Clone Tool which extends the previously implemented SRD function has now been developed. Major defects and severe scratches on the image can easily be removed or corrected. Entire areas of the image can be removed, retouched and altered. SilverFast Ai Studio can now be used for complex catalog production - without the need for additional imaging programs or tools.


This tool is included in SilverFast Ai Studio, DC Pro Studio and HDR Studio.
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SilverFast Highlights

IFF+Engine nuevo!
Optimized Frame Detection

Frame Detection mejorado!
inklusive IFF+ Engine

Multi-Exposure mejorado!
Increased Dynamic Range

iSRD mejorado!
Infrared Dust & Scratch Removal

ICC Printer Calibration mejorado!
Color calibrate your Printer

AutoFrame Alignment mejorado!
Rotate your images automatically to be horizontally aligned.

Kodachrome nuevo!
Kodachromes without Blue Cast

SRDx nuevo!
Dust and Scratch Removal

Hot-Folder nuevo!
Image processing in batch mode

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