The SilverFast Hot-Folder feature makes scaling, sharpening, color separation and optimization of image data a much easier task and is, furthermore, time-saving and effective. Regardless of what kind of images have to be post-processed, optimized or converted into other color spaces, these images can now be automatically processed with the Hot-Folder system, instead of requiring a time-consuming and tedious manual adjustment for every single image. By default the original files will be stored in a special archive folder (non-destructive), to preserve the precious originals.
The SilverFast Hot-Folder feature is available as an add-on for the following SilverFast versions:
- HDR Studio (also for the version included in the Archive Suite)

High-Quality Camera RAW Conversion
SilverFast HDR Studio supplies a high quality RAW conversion for RAW files from the latest digital SLR cameras. The conversion can be performed either as linear RAW (HDR 48bit data) or as gamma-corrected 24bit or 48bit data. Advanced automatic image optimization and a sophisticated USM sharpening algorithm are just two of the many SilverFast functions which can be added to the desired process.
RGB-CMYK Conversion
RGB workflows for scanners and digital cameras are common these days. In reality, all generic RGB data requires output-dependent optimizations - for example, a resolution adjustment relevant to the desired output size, assigning the ideal color space, actual image optimization, and finally, USM sharpening. The data is then separated into the selected CMYK color space. SilverFast's Hot-Folder technology handles all of these steps automatically. RGB data placed in a Hot-Folder is optimized and separated in accordance with the parameters assigned to the Hot-Folder. This automatic process eliminates the requirement of tedious manual editing for various kinds of applications.
RGB-RGB Conversion
RGB data is ideally optimized with the SilverFast Hot-Folder option. In order to adjust RGB data, e.g. web applications or printing, an RGB to RGB conversion is required. SilverFast can handle this process with its integrated color management engine in a standardized way using existing ICC profiles like Adobe RGB, sRGB. ECI-RGB v2 or ProPhotoRGB.
Erik Vlietinck, IT-Enquirer