Publishing Praxis 10/2008

„If you are still digitizing with the manufacturer's software, you will be amazed of the possibilities offered by SilverFast 6.6.“
macuser-08-2008 MacUser 08/2008

(...) SilverFast supports a wide range of scanners, from all the major manufacturers and you have to buy the product linked to a particular model. Even so, until this latest version, calibration was time-consuming and fiddly.

LaserSoft has now addressed this issue, with auto-calibration using an IT8 scanner target. (...) Simply laying this target on a scanner's flatbed and clicking the auto-calibrate button runs the calibration process automatically, making set up for beginners and graphics professionals very simple.

SilverFast is a very competent scanning application, with many pro-level features, particularly in colour control. It includes scratch and dust removal, various image enhancements and colour restoration. There's a one-touch filter too, which intelligently improves the highlight, shadow and mid-tones of an image. (...)

Multi-Exposure is a technique used to improve the dynamic range of a transparency or negative scanned into SilverFast. By taking multiple scans of the same image, with different exposures, Multi-Exposure can improve shadow detail and reduce noise levels in the resulting images. (...)

SilverFast handles scans more comprehensively than most other pieces of retail software (...), is well designed and offers probably your best chance of getting a properly rendered print, transparency or negative from a traditional photograph.

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