Professional Scanner Software for Nikon ScannersFilm scanners of the Nikon CoolScan brand belong to the most popular and quality devices for scanning negatives and slides. Nikon has cancelled the support for its own scanner software, versions for the actual operating systems aren't existing. SilverFast is an alternative and an enhancement, that introduces a lot of new and valuable features for Nikon scanners. |
Scanner SelectionSelect your Nikon model to obtain scanner-specific information. Download demos and updates, check compatibility and prices. LS 9000 | LS 8000 | LS 5000 | LS 4000 | LS 2000 | LS 1000 | LS 50 | LS 40 |
MoviesOur movies will introduce all SilverFast highlights and advantages to you, quick and easy to understand. Below you can directly select some movies showing the most important SilverFast features. _____________________ [read more …] Nikon Ai Studio Features | Multi-Exposure | iSRD | Kodachrome | WorkflowPilot |
HighlightsThanks to its unique features and highlights SilverFast has become world standard for scanner software. A majority of these features is patented and protected by trademark law. _____________________ [read more …] Multi-Exposure | WorkflowPilot | IT8 Calibration | Focus Control |
Press & TestimonialsInternational newspapers and magazines have tested SilverFast and are excited with the results. Read here what editors and customers think about SilverFast. Some of the articls are Nikon specific reviews. _____________________ [read more …] Customers about SilverFast & Nikon | Shelly Katz - Nikon & SilverFast |
Support & ForumFor questions or problems regarding SilverFast and Nikon scanners, please refer to the support overview page, which provides a variety of useful links, like our Nikon forum, the general FAQ and the current system requirements. _____________________ [read more …] Forum Nikon scanners | System Requirements |
64Bit HDRi & Archive SuiteSilverFast's 64bit HDRi format contains all readable image information along with the data of the infrared channel. For a perfect HDRi workflow, we recommend the SilverFast Archive Suite for your Nikon scanner. _____________________ [read more …] Movie 64bit HDRi | Archive Suite | Film Archive Suite |
SilverFast vs. Nikon ScanEvery scanner manufacturer provides an own scanner software for its devices. Usually, these software solutions are not as powerful as SilverFast. Therefore, we compare for you. Test results are available below. Nikon Scan & SilverFast | Dynamic Range | Dust and Scratch Removal |
Kodachrome & NikonKodachrome slides are particularly difficult to digitize, the scans often show a blue cast. Using a Nikon scanner with SilverFast, you obtain perfect scans. Even SRD and iSRD can be applied. Info Kodachrome Profiles | Kodachrome Flash page |
Anni fa, mentre lavoravo per la rivista TIME, mi resi conto che non sempre i produttori di hardware sono capaci di produrre del buon software. Adoravo i miei scanner Nikon, ma la qualità che ne ottenevo non era all'altezza delle mie esigenze ed aspettative. Decisi allora di introdurre SilverFast nel mio workflow: una notevole differenza.
Non so esattamente come funzioni, sono un fotografo e non un mago dell'informatica - quel che so è che ora ottengo scansioni migliori e più rapidamente che mai, grazie ad una interfaccia utente potente e facile da usare.
Shelly Katz