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In case your SilverFast application does not start anymore please download the following tool to contact us. This has the advantage, that it will provide us with your SilverFast support files.

Support Tool for OS X / macOS

Please double-click the DMG to mount it. Execute the included SilverFast Support Tool.

Support Tool for Windows

Please double-click the ZIP archive and extract its content. Start the SilverFast Support Tool.
Support Assistant (FAQ)
How do I set up a batch scan with my flatbed scanner?

I would like to automatically scan a batch of images. These can either be transparencies or reflective images.

SilverFast 8 offers the batch-scan option for this task.

To be able to batch-scan each individual image requires it's own scan-frame. These can either be drawn manually outside an existing scan-frame by click&drag. Or you can have SilverFast create them automatically using the find frames option from the Frame menu.

(The available options depend on the scanner and scan mode. They will be different for reflective or full-area-transparency scans)

Each scan-frame has it's own settings. But you can set up one frame and copy it's settings to all other frames using the "Copy settings to all frames" option, which also can be found in the frame menu.

You can further edit the frames afterwards as needed and perform individual adjustments.

When you are done you can either select the batch-scan by clicking holding the scan button and switching to batch-scan in the small selection dialog.

Or you can select the batch-scan from the image menu.

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