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Are you looking for information on the SilverFast software ?
Scanner software SilverFast SE / Ai and Archive Suite as well as IT8-Calibration

64Bit HDR software SilverFast HDR / HDR Studio

Printer software PrinTao 8

sf_icon_hdri_100x80 NEW: The SilverFast HDRi RAW data format with infrared channel
The SilverFast HDRi RAW data format uses 64bit HDRi color files (and 32bit grayscale files respectively), that contain all readable image information. This includes the information of the infrared channel, which's data can be used for image optimization, e.g. for dust and scratch removal. Hence, HDRi RAW data is the perfect source material for any later image post processing and for an optimum archiving workflow.
More about SilverFast HDRi you can find out here ....